We offer a 100% Money Back Guarantee on all orders, including a 90 Day Hassle-Free Returns . To initiate your return and claim your 100% refund, simply head to your Customer Portal and select 'Request a return' or email hello@williamwoodmirrors.co.uk with your order number. Our Customer Support Team will get back to you as soon as possible with the next steps.
Experience our industry-leading Instant Refund Service (Maximum wait time for your refund: 1 Business Day). We ensure a prompt, 100% money back refund on all returns.
Once your return is collected, a notification will be sent to our Customer Support Team, and your 100% refund will be processed instantly. If your return is collected outside of working hours (8 AM - 4 PM, Monday - Friday), you will receive your refund the next business day – that's our promise.
For more information about our Returns & Exchanges, click here.
Need more help? Feel free to contact our Customer Support Team via hello@williamwoodmirrors.co.uk, and one of our advisors will be happy to assist you.